Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hip Hop Artist - Advice on Composing Hip Hop Lyrics

By Farah Fan

Your favorite hip hop artist makes use of self-expression for their song lyrics. Most hip hop artist do the same, sadly some of their life experiences are dark and heavy. Several parents, government and radio stations refuse to allow their child to listen to a song full of violent lyrics. The Government issued a law to restrict the violent and discriminating lyrics in hip hop. Radio stations will just say "no" they won't play the song on air. It will give their listeners the wrong impression of the radio station and they will lose their audience.

Hip hop music has changed since it was first discovered during the seventies, it is now controversial. There are many people who object to what they believe is the promotion of violence and misogyny in hip hop. However, that is only a small part of hip hop, and there are many positive effects hip hop provides to its listeners. There are small groups of hip hop artist who refuse to use negative words on their lyrics and these artists are very successful and popular today. Some artists choose to record two sets of lyrics, clean lyrics to please the parents, government and radio station. The other lyrics is graphics which can only be purchase if eighteen an above.

Hip hop lyrics is all about the attitude, insight, comedy and storytelling. You can be a positive gangsta rapper if that's what you know about, but be careful. There's nothing more annoying than a faker. Be what you are and speak from both the mind and the heart. There are no restrictions on content and your hip hop lyrics can be rough or sensitive, black or white, urban or suburban, concrete or conceptual, masculine or feminine. In the worlds of rap and hip hop, there are two huge elements to tackle when writing a song. First, your music has to be catchy with a driving hook and original sounds, which is not an easy thing for many people to do. Second, your lyrics have to flow well, be descriptive and concise at the same time and be just as catchy as the music. It's hard, but it's not impossible.

Find the type of music you enjoy to listen to just to assist you in getting started. Then start writing words on your notebook but don't try to force words into the music. The music and words have to flow together. Keep your mind centered on storytelling. The more you keep your mind focused on writing, the better your content will probably be. Things will strike you about life as you go about your daily business.

Don't stress over the lyrics too much, it is just a rough draft, if you get discouraged think of your most favorite hip hop artist. Think that they probably had the same feeling as you when they started. So don't be afraid to go in a different direction than you intended. Broaden your vocabulary. If you're not saying exactly what you mean, then the listeners will get confused, you must connect with your listeners. Be as specific as you can. It's far more rewarding.

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